New California condor releases in SPM in 2024
On August 1, two male condors were successfully released, ENYA 58 green tag, and HULU 59 green tag. Both have adapted to the wild and the flock. Both born in 2022, in Mexico City Chapultepec Zoo, therefore, HULU was not seen for 15 days, nor was there any signal from its transmitter, alarming field personnel. A search was carried out at the site that indicated the coordinates of its satellite transmitter, He was located safe and sound. Near this site, a dead carcass of a cow was found on which the condors had been feeding.
Hulu and Enya, at SPM training aviary. The two together and the death cow where Hulu was found feeding.

# Tree registered condor births, in San Pedro Mártir, from 2023
Female 47 Yellow,
Father, 62 blue tag who died December 3, 2023.
Mother 51 yellow tag, born wild, therefore, the offspring is second generation. When the father died, fortunately he had already left the nest, the chick becoming a fledgling, but it continues to depend on the parents for at least one more year for food, and the mother has successfully carried it out. Estimated date of birth: April 20, 2023. Location of the nest: on a cliff in the east of the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir. First seen: February 15, 2024.
Male 48 Yellow,
Father: Ra, 03 blue, in 2022 he was widowed from 82 yellow, and mother, 73 white tag. The latter was divorced from 61 blue tag. First year together Ra and “73” and with reproductive success. Estimated date of birth: April 5, 2023. First seen: November 4, 2023.
Female 67 Yellow,
Father, Orion 61 white. Mother, Aurora 05 blue. Estimated date of birth: April 15, 2023. First seen: March 21, 2024.

Regarding their births in 2023, it is suspected that there were four fledglings, but it could never be corroborated. The international registration numbers, SB#, do not correspond to the order in which the fledglings were first observed. This is because they have not yet been caught and do not have identification tags. The first young condor was seen on October 26, 2023, It was not until March 22, 2024 that the three fledglings were seen at the same time, confirming the survival of three condors.
# The Chapultepec Zoo will send this May 2023, another two young condors that where born at the Zoo in 2022, to the Sierra San Pedro Martyr National Park.
# A second condor chick appeared in a camera trap image, on the 18th of March at Punta San Pedro. He or she was in the company of the other chick that was spotted for the first time on the 25th of December last year. These are very good news, especially because of the harsh weather that San Pedro Martyr had on September 2022, that could be the reason that other young birds couldn´t make it.

Last 25 of December the California condor team receive a wonderful Christmas present, a new condor was spotted at Punta San Pedro, an all-black chick that was born that spring.
It’s a beautiful young male or female? of an impeccable plumage, is a little bit scary, but curios, is swift on flight, elegant; and is quite independent, she or he follows the group in search of food without asking its parents.
Alejandra Argúelles
Field researcher
Unfortunately, it was the only new wild young bird that survive that year, of all nine nesting pairs.

On June 30th of 2022, four California condors that were born at Mexico City Chapultepec Zoo. Thanks to the support of the Mexican Army Navy the birds were flown by plane helicopter to the San Pedro Martyr Sierra National Park in Baja California, as part of a Binational California Condor Reintroduction and Conservation Program.
The Chapultepec Zoo has contributed with 6 condor chicks to the Mexican program at Sierra San Pedro Martyr, whose names are MAAU, which “means grandmother on the father’s side” in Kiliwa; KUAPP which means “butterfly” also in Kiliwa; KURI-KURI, remembering a traditional song of the Yumanos people; and TRIQUI honoring the name of the Triqui indigenous people from Baja California, and CUCAPÁ and PAI PAI from previous years

This ecological park is the second facility in Mexico to guard individuals of this species. 820 FEMALE NAKAI, ASHKII 821 FEMALE MIMITEH, AND 829 FEMALE ASKY.