Real beauty is only in the eye of evolution.
Life as we know it is endangered. The world is experiencing the beginning of the sixth mass extinction. Never before has the planet hosted so many life forms as it does at this moment in history, and at the same time we are witnessing the mass extinction of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects and plants, at alarming rate. We, humans, are responsible for this tragedy, which is why it is imperative to change our behavior toward the natural word. If we want to overcome this crisis, we first need to seek into Nature for answers.
The solution is not praying for hope, but rather taking action, seeking examples that can inspire us all. We can work together and, one by one, ameliorate all the ways in which we have wronged our planet. Most importantly, we need to do away with our indifference towards other creatures with whom we share our planet. Until we do so, we cannot take a second step forward.
The return of the California condor to Baja California is one of the worlds’ most successful endeavors of conservation of species of the last 20 years. Scavengers like the condors help not only Nature but humans too, by eliminating carcasses from their environments, therefore curbing the spread of diseases that could otherwise unleash severe epidemics in the future. Moreover, the presence of species conservation teams like the Mexican California condor protection team at the San Pedro Martyr Sierra National Park, have proven to be indispensable allies for the preservation of whole ecosystems too, as is the case with this ancient forest, where our joint efforts have put an end to illegal deforestation. Not only that, it is important to remember that forests like the San Pedro Martyr Sierra are some of the world’s best weapons against the global warming. Species conservation has useful results on a global scale.
Successful conservation initiatives need to secure long term financial support to accomplish their goals. Thanks to the commitment of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to support the Baja California condor by offering financial support, the program has survived for more than 20 years. After that initial aid, the road has been hard. Thankfully Juan and Catalina did not quit, even when the resources where almost gone. Now, twenty years later, the Mexican condor population is still growing, but Juan and Catalina still struggle to keep the program going to its fullest potential, and fundraising is time-consuming, especially when it comes to in writing lengthy reports for government agencies and donors.
We hereby address this important issue: we want to secure a healthy and viable California condor population in Mexico. To accomplish this goal, a financial campaign, “Adopt a Condor”, has been launched. We have divided the year’s budget by the number of condors in the wild and come with an estimate of how much it costs to support a condor for a year, which is $ 6,000 USD. This amount pays for the team of six experts working at the San Pedro Martyr Sierra toward the birds’ conservation, the operating costs of the facility, and covers the expense of necessary equipment, like all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, gasoline, GPS tracking devices, food and more.
To adopt a California condor or donate to the cause please contact Juan and Catalina at imback@bccondor.com
A tax deductible receipt will be given in Mexico through Espacios Naturales y Desarrollo Sustentable ENDESU, and in the United States will be through the Wild Foundation.
There is a globally generalized frustration, especially among younger generations, towards the catastrophic world we are living in. Severe environmental loss, deadly pandemics, political unrest, and a tragic, absurd war, all contribute to our feeling of desolation. It is more than understandable to see our younger generations despair.
The most effective way to combat climate anxiety is to take action! There are infinite ways in which you can help: sharing your resources, your time as a volunteer, or your advice are only a few options. The most important thing is to put your heart into it! Each of these different approaches will definitely help your spirit and will ease your mind knowing that you are helping a species that just came back from the brink of extinction.
A side from its benefits to our own wellbeing, adopting a condor in situ means Juan and Catalina will work even harder to secure the future of this species in Mexico. You will be asked to name the condor Juan and Catalina choose for you, and you will get to visit it the wild at the San Pedro Martyr Sierra, an off-limits area to visitors. You will receive 10 photographic prints of the condor, signed and numbered by a renowned photographer, and you will also receive reports of the health and behavior of the bird.
These are the 40 freed California Condors that live in the San Pedro Martyr Sierra National Park. 6 more, now cared for in captivity, are almost ready to be released in 2023. Below, you can see a photo of each one. The description will let you know where the condor was born, its birthday, its sex, some general behavior characteristics, and even which condor is its love partner! They are all here for you to choose, waiting to be adopted.